
Quels stocks corona : quels sont bons à l’époque de Corona.

quels stocks corona : krach boursier sur le chemin par corona? Quelles entreprises font des bénéfices grâce à Corona. Cash avec corona. 33 actions corona à surveiller.Continue readingQuels stocks corona : quels sont bons à l’époque de Corona.


smoking smokers coronavirus – How to quit smoking?

Smoking smokers Coronavirus: Looking for another reason to quit smoking? Then look at the number of Corona deaths versus the number of smokers who die. (smokers=x40!)Continue readingsmoking smokers coronavirus – How to quit smoking?

De beurs

Welke aandelen goed in Corona tijden.

Corona en de beurs. Er is een grootte beurscrash op komst. Maar er zijn aandelen die profiteren van Corona (covid-19)Continue readingWelke aandelen goed in Corona tijden.


corona Stop the lockdown (English)

Stop the lockdown: Corona. It is time for people to wake up. If you look at the real numbers you will realize that there is more going on here. There is more hidden behind this whole corona cinema. Wake up. And stop the lockdown.Continue readingcorona Stop the lockdown (English)

financieel Angst Mentaal Varia-Vrije_tijd

Stop the lockdown corona (Dutch) (Also in English)

Stop the lockdown corona. Steeds meer mensen worden zich bewust van de absurditeit en de leugens die in de mainstream media worden verteld. The lockdown docu’s.Continue readingStop the lockdown corona (Dutch) (Also in English)